School Registration / Records
Welcome to Elm Street Elementary
5 months ago
Dr. Christi Hildebrand, Principal
Melinda Walden, Assistant Principal
Ashley Pope, Counselor
At Elm Street, Every Learner Matters! We're glad you're here!
Elm Street is a 2019 Title I Distinguished School!
Elm Street is a 2017 Title I Reward School!
This is a huge recognition from the state.
Congratulations students, staff, parents, and community!
High Progress: 2014; High Progress: 2015; Highest Performance: 2017; Highest Performance: 2019
Remind (Remind 101): We use Remind101, a safe app that allows us to send text (or email) updates about important information. To join, Text 81010 with the message @elmstr. We'll use this to communicate about late bus dismissals, spirit nights, upcoming events, reminders for hat days, etc. Remind 101 is free and let's you receive safe text messages without sharing your number with others. Hope you'll join in!
Missed an informational phone call from Elm Street?
Call 1-877-698-3261 from that phone (or any phone and enter your phone number when prompted) and you can hear our latest message at any time. Or, click here to listen to the latest message online.
Historically, a Title I Distinguished School - 10 Years Distinguished and Four State Awards
Our website is always changing and growing. We thank you for your patience as we grow.
or if you have concerns or suggestions about what might improve our site.

School Registration / Records
- Registration Information - English and Spanish
- Transcripts and Records
- Pre-K Application